How do they come up with this rating . . .really?
Most of the time when viscosity is explained words are used that are too technical for the average person to quickly grasp. This leaves them still wondering what the viscosity numbers really mean on a bottle of motor oil. Simply put, viscosity is the oil's resistance to flow or, for the layman, an oil's speed of flow as measured through a device known as a viscometer. The thicker (higher viscosity) of an oil, the slower it will flow. You will see oil viscosity measurement in lube articles stated in kinematic (kv) and absolute (cSt) terms. These are translated into the easier to understand SAE viscosity numbers you see on an oil bottle.
目前分類:SEO (2)
- Jun 22 Sat 2013 13:24
What does the SAE Viscosity rating on your Motoroil bottle mean?
- May 13 Mon 2013 17:56
我是知道一個國外的機會(不一定要懂英文)可以介紹給你,雖然它一開始可能只會賺幾千塊(我加入兩個月,目前可領1萬8千多元),但長期來看,他們會陸續投資在很多新型網站上,讓會員們未來都有機會每年至少獲利10萬美金(300萬新台幣),你可以參考看看 (因為是國外的公司,不受台灣法律的限制,發展性也更廣!)SEO